A twist of fate landed us unexpectedly at Sperlak Gallery and Sculpture Garden on our way home from the beach. It was enchanting!
My art is typically very colorful, but the lighting when we visited paired well with black and white photo. I was inspired to make a quick painting when we got back to weave those lively colors back in.
Art + nature + a little mystery. If you ever find yourself in South Jersey, it’s a gem.
Springtime Goddesses
I’m sharing a few process photos for a mixed media piece – there are so many layers that go into each work of art! “The ability to look deeply is the root of creativity. To see past the ordinary and mundane and get to what might otherwise be invisible.” – Rick Rubin
Springtime Goddesses
June 2024 – Mixed Media on Paper – 16 x 16 in / 20 x 20 in framed
Peripheral Vision
I love every part of the creative process, but there is nothing more satisfying than hearing that voice telling you a piece is done. It’s not a literal voice, but some kind of cosmic knowing…that after all of the work, bursts of energy, tinkering, questioning, and magic…it’s reached it’s full potential. It is exactly what it was meant to be.
Peripheral Vision
Mixed Media
11 x 15 in
Spiritual Symphonies
The last 8 years of my life have marked a distinct shift in how I perceive time. Becoming a mother fills your heart with a love that is unlike any other while simultaneously shattering your perception of self. You become an entirely new person as a life giver and caretaker of other humans. Time simultaneously speeds up and slows down in remarkable ways. As one learns to let go of their former selves and metamorphosize into this new being, distinct yearnings arise. Over and over for me I was drawn to nature. It’s quiet restores my sanity in a hectic world. Its fresh scents and rushing wind fill my heart. It leaves me in awe of its small miracles and humbling expanses. The night sky, the ocean’s frothy waves, the unfurling fern and springy mosses. They are a spiritual symphony. They call me again and again when I have a small space of free time. These works were created over several years when I could escape to nature and create. They were collaged and painted over long stretches of time with months between the beginning and completion of many, because that was all of the free time I could afford. Each one felt like an epiphany – nature, art, spirituality, and stirrings of a new self still evolving.
These works are a sampling on many collaged and painted works on paper. Most of what visually reads as paint is actually decorative paper torn and collaged. The pieces are filled with texture when viewed in person.
From the top left:
Auburn Heights
Encaustic Paper Collage – 10 x 10 in – 2023 – $375
Paper Collage – 10.5 x 10.5 in – 2021 – NFS
Planting Seeds by the Full Moon
Watercolor, Gouache, Ink – 20 x 20 in – 2021 – SOLD
Iris’s View
Mixed Paper Collage – 20 x 20 in – 2024 – $650
Time Stands Still in January
Start with the End
Mixed Media on Paper
On display at Eiland Art Center in February 2021.
Four Corners Nature Exhibit
I have 2 paintings in the Four Corners Nature Exhibit at Eilandarts Center in Merchanville, NJ. The reception in Friday, May 4 2018 from 6-9. The work will be on display until May 31st. For more info, visit Eilandarts.com. Come check it out!
Sing to the Moon
If I die tomorrow, sing to the moon.
9 x 12 in watercolor on paper – 2018 – $325
Oscar Is Making Progress
Sometimes I feel a lot like Oscar the Oyster – grumpy with the world, but trying my best to be patient, persistent, and always pushing for change.
The children’s book illustration project I’m working on with Author Noah Ginter is more than half way complete. I’m so grateful for snow days brimming with calm, productive creativity!
Everything and Everyone: In the End We All Are One
Sometimes art work from your past becomes more pertinent than ever. I feel that way about a book I published ten years ago through a publication grant from the National Museum of Women in the Arts. The themes of universality are poignant in Everything and Everyone: In the End We All are One. When the world seems to be collapsing in on itself, it is good to be reminded that we are all human and we stand together as such. We Are. We Go. We Question. We Connect. We Struggle. We Love. We Are One. Enjoy a full digital version of the book here.